I used to search over the web for a AS3 date validator back then and after spending some time searching and trying, I am going to share the class that I have written in the past with you. XD
(Note: By the way I have added a bit of extra stuff in the AS3 file. Take a look and it might turn out to be pretty handy in code writing in the future. :D)
The following would be the source file of my Main Application in Flex.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<mx:Application xmlns:mx="http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml"
import com.date.DateChecker;
import mx.events.FlexEvent;
//String to store the minimum year
private var tempTxtMin:Number;
//This function will be executed onve the button have
//been clicked.
protected function button1ClickEvent(event:MouseEvent):void
if(txtMin.text == "")
tempTxtMin = -1;
tempTxtMin = Number(txtMin.text);
//The following will check the given fields and
//check if they were valid dates.
lblResult.text = digestErrorIntoString(
lblResult1.text = digestErrorIntoString(
lblResult2.text = digestErrorIntoString(
//Base on the the result that you are getting in
//DateChecker.strDateChecker or DateChecker.shortStrDateChecker
//output a string for the respective results
private function digestErrorIntoString(error:int):String
var resultStr:String = "";
case 0:
resultStr = "This is a valid Date.";
case 1:
resultStr = "Please enter a numeric number " +
"for the day of the month.";
case 2:
resultStr = "Please enter a numeric number " +
"for the month of the year.";
case 3:
resultStr = "Please enter a numeric number " +
"for the year that you are query.";
case 4:
resultStr = "Please enter a date between 1 - 31.";
case 5:
resultStr = "Please enter a month between 1 - 12.";
case 6:
resultStr = "Please enter a year that is greater " +
"than " + String(tempTxtMin) + ".";
case 7:
resultStr = "This date doesn't exist.";
case 8:
resultStr = "Please enter the date according to the" +
" format that was shown in the above.";
return resultStr;
//Upon Creation Complete of this class, populate some content.
//And do a check on the fields.
protected function creationCompleteHandler(event:FlexEvent):void
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
txtMin.text = "1960";
txtDay.text = "9";
txtMonth.text = "8";
txtYear.text = "1965";
txtDate.text = "9/8/1959";
txtDate1.text = "30-2-2012";
<mx:VBox width="100%" height="100%" verticalGap="10"
<mx:HBox width="100%" horizontalAlign="center"
<mx:Label text="Minimum Year Allow:"/>
<mx:TextInput id="txtMin" restrict="0-9" maxChars="4"/>
<mx:HBox width="100%" horizontalAlign="center"
<mx:Label text="Enter a date:"/>
<mx:TextInput id="txtDay" restrict="0-9" maxChars="2"/>
<mx:Label text="/"/>
<mx:TextInput id="txtMonth" restrict="0-9" maxChars="2"/>
<mx:Label text="/"/>
<mx:TextInput id="txtYear" restrict="0-9" maxChars="4"/>
<mx:Label text="(Ex: DD/MM/YYYY)"/>
<mx:HBox width="100%" horizontalAlign="center"
<mx:Label text="Result of the above:"/>
<mx:Label id="lblResult"/>
<mx:HBox width="100%" horizontalAlign="center"
<mx:Label text="Enter a date:"/>
<mx:TextInput id="txtDate" restrict="0-9/"/>
<mx:Label text="(Ex: DD/MM/YYYY)"/>
<mx:HBox width="100%" horizontalAlign="center"
<mx:Label text="Result of the above:"/>
<mx:Label id="lblResult1"/>
<mx:HBox width="100%" horizontalAlign="center"
<mx:Label text="Enter a date:"/>
<mx:TextInput id="txtDate1" restrict="0-9 \-"/>
<mx:Label text="(Ex: DD-MM-YYYY)"/>
<mx:HBox width="100%" horizontalAlign="center"
<mx:Label text="Result of the above:"/>
<mx:Label id="lblResult2"/>
<!-- Upon clicking on this button,
run the event 'button1ClickEvent'-->
<mx:Button label="Check Now" click="button1ClickEvent(event)"/>
and here comes the AS3 Date checker class
package com.date
public class DateChecker
public function DateChecker()
* Used to check if the given string is a valid date
* @param str - the string than you are checking
* for a valid date
* @param divider - a string that will be used as a
* divider for str
* @param minYear - the minimum year than the user
* can enter
* @return one of the below integer (0-8)
0 - valid date
1 - Invalid day (day must be a numerical value)
2 - Invalid Month (month must be a numerical value)
3 - Invalid Year (year must be a numerical value)
4 - Invalid day (day must be in a range of 1 - 31)
5 - Invalid Month (month must be in a range of 1-12)
6 - Invalid Year (year must be > than the
* minYear specified)
7 - Date doesn't exist
8 - the paramter str is not in the correct format
public static function strDateChecker(str:String,
divider:String = "/",
minYear:Number = -1):int
var _strArray:Array = String(str).split(divider);
//If the array has more than 3 items (e.g. 11/11/20/11)
//it is not a valid date format, return error code 8
if(_strArray.length != 3)
return 8;
return shortStrDateChecker(_strArray[0],
* Used to check if the given strings turn out to be
* a valid date
* @param day - the day of the date that you are checking
* in string format
* @param month - the month of the date that you are checking
* in string format
* @param year - the year of the date that you are checking
* in string format
* @param minYear - the minimum year than the user
* can enter
* @return one of the below integer (0-8)
0 - valid date
1 - Invalid day (day must be a numerical value)
2 - Invalid Month (month must be a numerical value)
3 - Invalid Year (year must be a numerical value)
4 - Invalid day (day must be in a range of 1 - 31)
5 - Invalid Month (month must be in a range of 1-12)
6 - Invalid Year (year must be > than the
* minYear specified)
7 - Date doesn't exist
8 - the paramter day, month and
* year is not given in the correct format
public static function shortStrDateChecker(day:String,
minYear:Number = -1):int
var _day:Number = Number(day);
var _month:Number = Number(month);
var _year:Number = Number(year);
var _date:Date = new Date();
//if all 3 given parameters are either strings
//or empty, return error code 8
if((isNaN(_day) || day == "") &&
(isNaN(_month) || month == "") &&
(isNaN(_year) || year == ""))
return 8;
//if given date is a String, return error code 1
return 1;
//if given month is a String, return error code 2
return 2;
//if given year is a String, return error code 3
return 3;
_month = Number(_month - 1);
//if given day is a > 31 and < 0, return error code 4
if(_day > 31 || _day <= 0)
return 4;
//if given month is a > 12 and < 0, return error code 5
if(_month > 11 || _month < 0)
return 5;
//if given year is bigger than minYear, return error code 6
if(minYear != -1)
if(_year < minYear)
return 6;
_date.fullYear = _year;
_date.month = _month;
_date.date = _day;
//if the temp date and the given date doesn tally
//, return error code 7
if(_date.date != _day ||
_date.month != _month ||
_date.fullYear != _year)
return 7;
return 0;
* Click
here to view the demo of this example.
^ Click
here for the source files of this demo.