Friday, January 17, 2014

Problems with special characters on the web...

Sometimes when I was writing or editing a post on my blog, I'm encountering numerous situations where a ' or a " can mess up your contents when you publish it. The same problem also occur when I'm creating the asdocs for flex projects. If you have entered > or < characters not as a html node but part of your text, you might have problems creating the asdocs.

After look through numerous sites, I think that 'HTML entities' is one of
the better alternatives for Encoding and Decoding HTML Entities. On top of
that, it has also provided a list that shows all the special characters
and the corresponding HTML Entities.

* Click here for the website 'HTML Entities'.
^ Click here for my previous post on how to create asdocs for your flex projects.

Sunday, January 12, 2014

Playing with timestamp...

While playing with timestamp across various types of platform / coding environment, it can get pretty annoying as you manipulate the data. And if you are going to create a countdown timer to a particular date, you would have to find the difference of today's date and the selected date, and that's when timestamp will step into the picture. Luckily there's...

Epoch Converter
That can help us to make our work much more easier.
Besides for the tool that helps you to identify the actual date from the given
timestamp, there's tools to help you to identify the difference between 2 dates,
the week of the current date, etc... It also provides a guide that provides the
syntax for finding timestamp across the various types of platform too. :D
And if you playing/working with all these date data on a daily basis, you will
definitely find this website to be pretty helpful. :D

* Click here for the 'Epoch Converter' website.

Friday, January 3, 2014

Flex: JSON Deserialization

JSON a much shorter and faster response as compared to XML. Therefore, although some third party api out there still gives you the option of returning the results in XML format, it also gives you the option of getting the results in JSON format too. So I'm just doing up a simple JSON Deserialization example. :D

Main Application Class - SimpleJSONDeserialize.mxml
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<s:Application xmlns:fx="" 
  <s:HTTPService url="" 
   <s:request xmlns="">
   import com.adobe.serialization.json.JSON;
   import model.MapResult;
   import model.MapServiceResult;
   import mx.collections.ArrayCollection;
   import org.osflash.vanilla.Vanilla;
   private var mapResult:MapServiceResult;
   private var resultCollection:ArrayCollection;
   //Upon clicking on the button, we will trigger the request
   protected function searchBtnClickHandler(event:MouseEvent):void
   //Upon making a successful request
   protected function httpServiceResultEvent(event:ResultEvent):void
    //Converts the json result to a Object.
    var tempJSONObject:Object = JSON.decode(String(event.result));
    //Converts the Object into a Object of class type MapServiceResult
    mapResult = new Vanilla().extract(tempJSONObject, MapServiceResult);
    //Since we couldn't bind a Vector to a Datagrid directly,
    //we will just push the results to a ArrayCollection and
    //bind it to a DataGrid.
    resultCollection = new ArrayCollection();
    for each(var item:MapResult in mapResult.results)
   //Upon making a failure request
   protected function httpServiceFaultEvent(event:FaultEvent):void
 <s:VGroup width="100%" 
  <s:Label text="Please enter an address:"/>
  <s:HGroup horizontalAlign="center">
   <s:TextInput id="txtInput"/>
   <s:Button label="Search Now!" 
  <s:DataGrid dataProvider="{resultCollection}" 
     <s:GridColumn headerText="Formatted Address"

Model class for HttpServiceResults -
package model
 public class MapServiceResult
  public var status:String;
  private var _results: Vector.;

  public function get results():Vector.
   return _results;

   * Vanilla class will handle all these mapping, hence
   * it will map the object results into the Vector
   * of type MapResult.
   * But when we are getting a empty string rather than
   * an Array, we will have to handle such a condition 
  public function set results(value:*):void
   _results = new Vector.;
   if(String(value) != "")
    _results = value; 

Model class for individual Result -
package model
 public class MapResult
  //Vanilla will map all the values of 
  //address_components into the Vector 
  [Marshall (field="address_components")]
  public var addrComponents: Vector.;
  [Marshall (field="formatted_address")]
  public var formattedAddress:String;
  public var types: Vector.;

Model class for individual address_components -
package model
 public class AddrComponents
  //Vanilla will map the value of the field 
  //long_name to longName 
  [Marshall (field="long_name")]
  public var longName:String;
  [Marshall (field="short_name")]
  public var shortName:String;
  public var types: Vector.;
* Click here for the source files for the demo.
  (This requires a valid Google Geocoding API key, but currently it will work if you
  are running it locally.)
^ Click here to find out more about the Vanilla as3 library.
~ Click here to find out more about the as3corelib.