The reason I had written about these 2 functions in Flash AS3, was mainly because of the fact that I keep forgetting about how to use these functions in Flash. Here you go, 2 similar outputs with 2 different ways of writing the swf file.
GlobalToLocal Implementation:
Actionscript codes:
//Create a array to store the highest MC in a (3*3) grid var mcArray:Array = new Array(); //Maximum level of each box var noOfBaseMc:int = 6; //Variable to store number of level var randomInt:int = 0; //temp Obj to store MovieClip var tempMC:Object; //instance of bgMC; var newMC:bgMC; //temp Obj to store parent of MovieClip var tempParent:Object; //Creating a Grid for(var g:int = 0; g < 3; g ++){ for(var h:int = 0; h < 3; h ++){ //Select random number of level randomInt = Math.floor(Math.random() * noOfBaseMc) + 1; tempMC = stage; //Stacking the levels within each MovieClip //and add the highest level to the array 'mcArray' for(var i:int = 0; i < randomInt; i ++){ newMC = new bgMC(); if(i == 0){ newMC.x = (150 * (g + 1)) - 70; newMC.y = (125 * (h + 1)) - 50; } tempMC.addChild(newMC); tempMC = newMC; tempParent = newMC.parent; while(tempParent != stage){ tempParent = tempParent.parent; //Changing the frame of the MovieClip //darker the color, higher the level newMC.gotoAndStop(newMC.currentFrame + 1); } } tempMC.rotation = Math.floor(Math.random() * 360); mcArray.push(tempMC); } } //Create a tag MovieClip var tempTagMC:tagMC = new tagMC(); tempTagMC.visible = false; stage.addChild(tempTagMC); stage.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_MOVE, mouseMoveEvent); //On mouse move, show the tag MovieClip when rollover 1 of the grid boxes //the tag will move with the mouse cursor and display the contents function mouseMoveEvent(event:MouseEvent){ for(var j:int = 0; j < mcArray.length; j ++){ if(mcArray[j].hitTestPoint(stage.mouseX, stage.mouseY,true)){ tempTagMC.x = stage.mouseX + 2; tempTagMC.y = stage.mouseY + 2; tempTagMC.visible = true; tempTagMC.text_txt.wordWrap = true; tempTagMC.text_txt.autoSize = "left"; //Display the global coordinates (X,Y) of mouse cursor tempTagMC.text_txt.htmlText = "Global: X=" + stage.mouseX + " Y=" + stage.mouseY; //Display the local coordinates (X,Y) of mouse cursor //in the MovieClip using globalToLocal function var tempPoint:Point = mcArray[j].globalToLocal(new Point(stage.mouseX,stage.mouseY)); tempTagMC.text_txt.htmlText += "Local: X=" + tempPoint.x + " Y=" + tempPoint.y; //Display number of level of MovieClip var level:int = 1; tempParent = mcArray[j].parent; while(tempParent != stage){ tempParent = tempParent.parent; level ++; } tempTagMC.text_txt.htmlText += "Level: " + level; tempTagMC.text_txt.width = 120; tempTagMC.bgMC.height = tempTagMC.text_txt.height + 4; tempTagMC.bgMC.width = tempTagMC.text_txt.width + 4; return; } } tempTagMC.visible = false; }Output:
Click here for the demo.
When it comes to the function of globalToLocal, there are a few parameters need.
Formula for globalToLocal:
{A}.globalToLocal(new Point({B}.x,{B}.y));
- {A} - The container that you want to pass the coordinates to
- {B}.x, {B}.y - Usually this refers to the stage mouseX and mouseY
LocalToGlobal Implementation:
Actionscript codes:
//Create a array to store the highest MC in a (3*3) grid var mcArray:Array = new Array(); //Maximum level of each box var noOfBaseMc:int = 6; //Variable to store number of level var randomInt:int = 0; //temp Obj to store MovieClip var tempMC:Object; //instance of bgMC; var newMC:bgMC; //temp Obj to store parent of MovieClip var tempParent:Object; //Creating a Grid for(var g:int = 0; g < 3; g ++){ for(var h:int = 0; h < 3; h ++){ //Select random number of level randomInt = Math.floor(Math.random() * noOfBaseMc) + 1; tempMC = stage; //Stacking the levels within each MovieClip //and add the highest level to the array 'mcArray' for(var i:int = 0; i < randomInt; i ++){ newMC = new bgMC(); if(i == 0){ newMC.x = (150 * (g + 1)) - 70; newMC.y = (125 * (h + 1)) - 50; } tempMC.addChild(newMC); tempMC = newMC; tempParent = newMC.parent; while(tempParent != stage){ tempParent = tempParent.parent; //Changing the frame of the MovieClip //darker the color, higher the level newMC.gotoAndStop(newMC.currentFrame + 1); } } tempMC.rotation = Math.floor(Math.random() * 360); mcArray.push(tempMC); tempMC.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_MOVE, mouseMoveEvent); tempMC.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, mouseOutEvent); } } //Create a tag MovieClip var tempTagMC:tagMC = new tagMC(); tempTagMC.visible = false; stage.addChild(tempTagMC); //On mouse move, show the tag MovieClip when rollover 1 of the grid boxes //the tag will move with the mouse cursor and display the contents function mouseMoveEvent(event:MouseEvent){ tempTagMC.text_txt.wordWrap = true; tempTagMC.text_txt.autoSize = "left"; //Display the local coordinates (X,Y) of mouse cursor tempTagMC.text_txt.htmlText = "Local: X=" + + " Y=" +; //Display the global coordinates (X,Y) of mouse cursor //in the MovieClip using localToGlobal function var tempPoint:Point = Point(,; tempTagMC.text_txt.htmlText += "Global: X=" + tempPoint.x + " Y=" + tempPoint.y; //Display number of level of MovieClip var level:int = 1; tempParent =; while(tempParent != stage){ tempParent = tempParent.parent; level ++; } tempTagMC.text_txt.htmlText += "Level: " + level; tempTagMC.text_txt.width = 120; tempTagMC.bgMC.height = tempTagMC.text_txt.height + 4; tempTagMC.bgMC.width = tempTagMC.text_txt.width + 4; tempTagMC.x = tempPoint.x + 2; tempTagMC.y = tempPoint.y + 2; tempTagMC.visible = true; } function mouseOutEvent(event:MouseEvent){ tempTagMC.visible = false; }
Click here for the demo.
When it comes to the function of localToGlobal, there are a few parameters need.
Formula for localToGlobal:
{A}.localToGlobal(new Point({B}.x,{B}.y));
- {A} - The container that currently holds the coordinates that you want to convert
- {B}.x, {B}.y - the x and y coordinates of the point that you want to convert into a global coordicates
Click here for the source files of the examples in this post.
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