If you have been using Apache Ant quite a bit, you will soon realize that it can be pretty annoying at times. You couldn't open up and read a file, you couldn't create Arrays, etc... Therefore there's actually a way to work around it. You can actually use Javascript + Java inside the Ant script environment. And on top of that you can actually manipulate simple basic Ant variables in the Javascript + Java environment.
<macrodef name="getIndexHtmlContents"> <sequential> <script language="javascript"> <![CDATA[ //Import the necessary Java classes importClass(java.io.File); importClass(java.io.FileReader); importClass(java.io.BufferedReader); //We will be reading the value from the Ant Project Property 'filenameProp' var filenameProp = GWR.getProperty("filenameProp"); //Then we will be using BufferedReader and FileReader to read the contents of the file var reader = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(new File(filenameProp))); //Next we will loop through all the contents of the file and store it in a temporary variable var sCurrentLine; var strEverything = ""; while ((sCurrentLine = reader.readLine()) != null) { strEverything += sCurrentLine; } //We will printout the contents of the file/temporary variable on the ant console output println(strEverything); //Writing the value of the temporary variable and saing it in the Ant Project Property 'fileContents' GWR.setProperty("fileContents", strEverything); ]]> </script> </sequential> </macrodef>Though you have specified that you will be writing some script in 'Javascript' syntax, it actually allows Java codes to be written inside that <script> block too.
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