Friday, May 17, 2013

Charles: Tampering Data

Being a developer or user, there might be numerous situations where you are going to send/fecth some data to a web service. And there might be numerous situations where there's a need to tamper some of the data. Therefore...

Click here to download and install 'Charles' before moving on to the next step.

Step 1 - Open up the website that you are going to tamper
and also run the 'Charles' application.

Step 2 - Right Click on the domain that you are going to
tamper in 'Charles'.

Step 3 - Make sure that the option 'Breakpoints' have
been selected on the Right-Click Menu.

Step 4 - As you send an request out to the domain, the you will be
given the option of tampering the request under the 'Breakpoints'
tab in 'Charles'. Remember to click on the 'Execute' button to send
out the tampered request.

Step 4.1 - As you receive some data from the domain, you can also
tamper the data too. It will also appear under the 'Breakpoints'
tab in 'Charles'. Similar to the previous step you will also need
to click on the 'Execute' button to fetch the tampered response.

By the way, if it is a Request, the tab 'Edit Request' will be shown
and the tab 'Edit Response' will be shown for a Response.

Enjoy playing with all the tampered data.

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