Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Dynamic meta Description, meta Keywords and Title using PHP

Changing your the meta description, meta keywords and title of a php page.This is a follow up of a post that I had posted here a few weeks back.

I only make some changes to the header.php file and the header.php file will handle the value of $section and change the title, the meta description and meta keywords of the webpage.
	//Conditional Statement to change the title, meta description and meta keywords.
	if ($section == "home"){
		$title = "Unique title for home page";
		$description = "A Unique description for 'Home' Section";
		$keyword = "Home";
	}else if ($section == "profile"){
		$title = "Special title for profile page";
		$description = "A Special description for 'Profile' Section";
		$keyword = "Profile";
	}else if ($section == "product"){
		//Another Conditional Statement to change the title, meta description and meta keywords base on the productID.
		$productID = $_REQUEST["productID"];
		if($productID == "x"){
			$title = "Product page for X";
			$description = "A description for 'Product X'";
			$keyword = "Product X";
		}else if($productID == "y"){
			$title = "Product page for Y";
			$description = "A description for 'Product Y'";
			$keyword = "Product Y";
		}else if($productID == "z"){
			$title = "Product page for Z";
			$description = "A description for 'Product Z'";
			$keyword = "Product Z";
			$title = "A title for product page";
			$description = "A description for 'Product' Section";
			$keyword = "Product X, Product Y, Product Z";
	}else if ($section == "contact"){
		$title = "Contact me now";
		$description = "Form for contact me";
		$keyword = "Conact me, form";
	//Write the title, meta description and meta keywords into a header html tag
	echo "<header>";
	echo "<title>".$title."</title>";
	echo "<meta name='description' content='".$description."'>";
	echo "<meta name='keywords' content='".$keyword."' />"; 
	echo "</header>";
	//Create a table and base on the value os $section, toggle the state of the selected button.
	echo "<table cellpadding='0' cellspacing='0' border='0' width='100%' ><tr>";
	//If $section == home, make the text 'Home' unclickable else makt it into a clickable hyperlink
	if ($section != "home"){
		echo "<td align='center'><a href='home.php'>Home</a></td>";
		echo "<td align='center'><b>Home</b></td>";
	//If $section == profile, make the text 'Profile' unclickable else makt it into a clickable hyperlink
	if ($section != "profile"){
		echo "<td align='center'><a href='profile.php'>Profile</a></td>";
		echo "<td align='center'><b>Profile</b></td>";
	//If $section == product, make the text 'Product' unclickable else makt it into a clickable hyperlink
	if ($section != "product"){
		echo "<td align='center'><a href='product.php'>Product</a></td>";
		echo "<td align='center'><b>Product</b></td>";
	//If $section == contact, make the text 'Contact Us' unclickable else makt it into a clickable hyperlink
	if ($section != "contact"){
		echo "<td align='center'><a href='contact.php'>Contact Us</a></td>";
		echo "<td align='center'><b>Contact Us</b></td>";
	echo "</tr></table>";
	echo "<br>";

Click here for the example that I had created for the post.
Try click and copying the following URL1 and URL2 into Facebook and you will see how useful php can be.
Click here for the source codes of the example that I had created.

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